In Grub Street, Alice Feiring explores the allure and anxiety of drinking alone in quarantine. “In all of the years of thinking I was perfectly happy to drink alone, I hadn’t appreciated that this scenario was a complete novelty — it rarely happened more than one night a week and was often part of a welcome evening of solitude and personal recharge. Now, required social distancing has offered me my first experience with an extended time of drinking without community: without friends, partners, or colleagues. Without conversation. Without someone to say, “What do you think?””
“While business is booming for certain segments of the distribution system, others may soon be bankrupt.” In Wine Enthusiast, Jim Gordon reports on how the recent wine sales boom is affecting various areas of the business.
Amber LeBeau asks a timely question: How can we make virtual wine tastings less sucky?
In SevenFifty Daily, Betsy Andrews reports on how small American wineries are fighting to survive the coronavirus crisis.
Ellie Douglas highlights online wine courses to try while in self-isolation in Decanter.
In Grape Collective, Dorothy Gaiter and John Brecher sing praise for Netflix’s Uncorked.
In Fortune, Stephanie Cain looks at the many ways producers are rethinking American Chardonnay.